Downloading vmm

Current version

The most current version of vmm is 0.7.0, released on 07 November 2021. Older releases are listed in the Release history of vmm.

Download a gzip compressed archive

vmm could be downloaded from the download page at SourceForge. To extract the downloaded archive use tar xzf vmm-0.7.0.tar.gz. This will create the new directory vmm-0.7.0 in the current working directory.

Verify the downloaded archive

If you have downloaded the archive from the download site you can optionally verify the integrity of this archive. In order to verify the integrity of the archive you have to download the corresponding signature file (vmm-0.7.0.tar.gz.sig) too. The signature can be verified using GPG or PGP. For example to check the signature of the archive vmm-0.7.0.tar.gz you can execute this command gpg --verify vmm-0.7.0.tar.gz.sig.

The tarball was signed by Pascal Volk (Key fingerprint = 4E56 901B 155B 2B3A 8BF7 9248 880B 094E C511 39FE). You can fetch the public key from a key server using the command gpg --recv-keys 0x880B094EC51139FE

Get vmm from the Git repository

You can clone the vmm repository

The Debian project also hosts a Git repository of vmm. The upstream branch is a mirror of the Git master branch. The master branch is for Debian packaging. In order to clone the upstream branch use: git clone --branch upstream git://



Since Debian Wheezy vmm is also available in the Debian package repository. The vmm package is maintained by Martin F. Krafft. Take a look at the file /usr/share/doc/vmm/README.Debian for Debian specific modifications.